uploads/local time.jpg

local time 【無線電】地方時。

local war

Specifies a local time , coordinated universal time , or neither 指定了本地時間、協調通用時間( utc ) ,還是兩者皆未指定。

Excuse me , miss . what will be the local time when we arrive at bangkok 打擾一下,小姐。到達曼谷時,當地時間是幾點?

To be equal to the number of days since january 1 , 2000 local time , and for 等于自當地時間2000年1月1日以來的天數,使

President bush arrives back at the white house on sunday morning , local time 布什總統將于當地時間周日清晨回到白宮。

That represents the local time at which this event was written to the log ,它表示在日志中寫入該事件時的本地時間。

Converts the specified windows file time to an equivalent local time 將指定的windows文件時間轉換為等效的本地時間。

Systems that also run dos or windows are normally set to local time 還要運行dos或windows的系統通常設為本地時間。

Initially the times of observation were 10 , 16 and 22 hours local time 初期于本地時間10時、 16時及22時進行觀測。

Objects as local time 對象格式化為本地時間。

Gets the local time at which this event was generated Eventlogentry . timegenerated屬性獲取生成該事件的本地時間。

To be equal to the number of seconds since midnight local time , divided by 2 等于自當地時間午夜以來的秒數除以2 。

Object to local time 對象的值轉換為本地時間。

President bush arrives back at the white house on sunday morning , local time 布什總統將于當地時間周日早晨返回

I know what the utc time was but what was the customers local time 我知道utc時間,但是客戶的本地時間是什么呢?

Initially the times of observation were 10 , 16 and 22 hours local time 初期于本地時間10時16時及22時進行觀測。

The value is in local time 。該值是本地時間。

Would you check what ' s the arrival time of flight no . 255 , local time 請查一查255航班當地時間是什么時候到達?

The idate ( ) function formats a local time or date as integer 函數的作用是:將本地時間日期格式化為整數形式。

The local time steps are determined by a local cfl condition 該方法的局部時間步長取決于一個局部的cfl條件。